Ep. 1573 We All Make Mistakes
Wow, all those things that happened 10 years ago, now you can officially feel old. McSteamy explains himself about the bathtub video leaked of him and his ex wife and another woman ten years and 6 figures ago. Speaking of 6 figures, Katy Perry is ordered to pay 6 figures for using someone else's song. And #HalleBerry
Episode 1572 It's Our 7th Birthday!
Would you rather be with a celebrity or their famous character (think #HalleBerry and Sofia in John Wick) Plus what would you want for your final meal or meals? Oprah has made it clear what she wants...for her last week. Thanks to special guest host Prof. Chuck Bland.
Ep. 1571 Not Gwen Stefani Rock Hard
It's a Friday Fiesta of Who Cares. Like Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom on vaca, Kylie inspires Baby fever, including Bieber fever. Plus Kim visits the White House, again, Bill Cosby's accuser is paid a settlement, not for Bill, and Will and Grace calls it quits. Plus burger toppings and #HalleBerry.
NOTE: The Who Cares News returns on August 1
Ep. 1570. Why Mess It Up?
Lifetime has announced a new made for TV movie and we have the perfect star for it. Plus Jennifer Lopez turned 50 yesterday and it looks like she had the perfect birthday. Belize is the only country in Central America that hasn't had a visit from a sitting US President. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1569. Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Ben and Matt at it again? How long's it been since the two collaborated and won an Oscar? Can they repeat? Plus Nicole Kidman asked how she feels being the subject of hubby Keith Urban's song, especially the sexy part. Plus #HalleBerry.
Ep. 1568 They Still Share?
Jeopardy James Holzhauser has a warning for sports betters interested in the Cleveland Browns. Plus, Angie looks like she wants to spitefully get something Brad loves out of the divorce. And speaking of Angie, she will be joining the Marvel Universe, and there's a new God of Thunder in town, and more from Comic Con. Plus #HalleBerry.
Episode 1567. Of Screen Crushes and Botched Plastic Surgery.
It's Comic Con time, and Tom Cruise dropped by yesterday to see what condition his condition was in...oh hand he at the new Top Gun maverick trailer too. Plus, we discuss our screen crushes, and could Nash Bridges be headed back to TV? Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1566. Potomac 20854
Thursday randomness! According to some sources, Lori Loughlin and her daughter Olivia Jade are at least on texting basis again. Plus you may be shocked by the extent of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's bromance...the early years. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1565 Let's Go!
Happy National Hot Dog day. Didya know that Beverly Hills Cop was supposed to be a straight action click starring Sly Stallone? Random. Plus Katy Perry shares how her and Taylor Swift kissed and made up. And J-Los new movie trailer has dropped and she sure knows her way around a stripper pole. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1654 Holy Jingle Bells Batman.
Lifetime Network is setting a new Holiday record this year. When you're the winner of the World Cup, what are you going ot do next? How about a lap dance? Plus Kylie Jenner clapsback at an Instagram hater over her nude post. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1563. Just To Prove A Point.
Kelly Clarkson has advice for Taylor Swift to save her from the nasty Scooter Braun deal. Plus Jay Z and Beyonce upstage their Royal Highness of Sussex at the London Lion King premiere. Plus don't hang out with Robert Lincoln if you are a President. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1562 It's A Rich Man's World
What is it with all the licking going on, don't they know it's a felony to lick something and stick it back on the shelf? And if you post it on YouTube you surely will be tracked down by the authorities. Can't fix stupid. Speaking of rich people, the moguls of media and tech are hanging out at the Billionaire's Summer Camp this week in Idaho. And looks like an update to the animated favorite The Flintstones. We doubt #HalleBerry will be asked to be in it.
Ep. 1561 Speaking of Dreams...
The Forbes Celebrity 100 Highest-Paid Entertainers is out, and guess who's at the top. Plus Matt Lauer and Annette Roque have FINALLY filed for divorce and there are 20 million reasons to do so for Annette. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1560 Brand Strategy, It's a Thing.
It's Big, it's all white and it requires a European maintenance team to clean the floors. Kimye opens the doors to their mansion to Forbes. Plus the highest grossing twin film of all time, where do hamsters come from and Jay-Z is starting a new career, legally. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1559 Skinny-dipping was Involved.
Lots and lots of time spent in the bathroom. Kourtney Kardashian complains that turning 40 is causing her anxiety. Harvey Weinstein may be wanting to represent himself. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1558 A Tale of Two Halles
Random facts for this first day back from the long weekend. Plus Meghan Markle's Daddy still frozen out. Jeff Bezo's divorce is final and his ex is now worth $38 Billion which isn't phasing him since he makes a quarter of a billion a day. Plus there's another Halle, her name is Bailey but she's being confused with another famous Halle #HalleBerry
Ep. 1557 That Sounds Bad Right There.
Goop is a "effing extortionist" according to attendees at a wellness weekend hosted by Goop in the UK. Apparently they feel they didn't get their $5K worth of Goop. Plus James Franco is back in the WCN, which is kinda interesting, and we drill down some pretty random things and salute #HalleBerry
Ep. 1556 I Don't Have Time
How long do you spend searching for something to watch on Netflix? Who's the first person you tell that you are pregnant? Quite a challenge for Christina Anstead. Plus, It's Lindsay Lohan's 33rd birthday today, so what did she do? Plus #HalleBerry, who doesn't ever listen to this show.
Ep. 1555. If You're Going To Do Things Wrong...
Taylor Swift puts Scooter Braun and Kanye West on blast after Scooter bought her first record label. Plus speaking of Kim, her "Kimono" line of shapewear is coming under fire. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1554 Don't Pull My Hair!
How often do we look at the myriad of photos we take on our phones? Plus John Stamos says there may be another chapter of Full House to com. And Jennifer Anniston's colorist for the past 25 years says she's not changing her hair, ever.
Ep. 1533 All That's Left Are the Corks...and The Hoods.
Mick Jagger has a great-grandchild younger than his youngest child. Flip or Flop is back with a new season and a new husband, and the old husband. Plus Ryan Seacrest shares TMI (Too Much Information) Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1552 Happy Sexty Birthday
It's John Van Camp's birthday and the WCN welcomes guest Matt Collier, who doesn't know who Kylie Jenner is...:/ After much bad singing in this show, we dig into the A-Rod/Kylie beef. Plus, Justin Theroux has a legal beef with his alleged peeping Tom Manhattan neighbor. And it's NOT HOT. Li-lo and Paris, not a thing. #HalleBerry needs to phone.
Ep. 1551. That's What People Want To Hear.
Dance Mom alum Abby Lee Miller has words of advice for Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin and their possible jail time. Plus Amanda Bynes has graduated from Fashion school and is ready to take on the world. Plus #HalleBerry shares her towel-filled ab molding workout.
Ep. 1550 ...Or Get Her Pants.
#HalleBerry almost has her house stolen in a bold and brazen (some might say crazy) attempt. Plus Ryan Reynolds strikes again! This time, as always, he's hilarious. And Sofia Richie chooses to stay home this summer instead of "third-wheelin'" it with beau Scott Disick and Kourtney on their vacay with the kids.
Ep. 1549. Go Ahead Post It on Facebook.
Spongebob Fun facts, and why they put oranges in red net bags. Plus, Hollywood has announced 35 new Walk of Fame Stars slated for 2020 including some pretty big names, #HalleBerry is a big name, and she already has a star. The ex-Matt Lauer's have put their Hamptons mansion in the "list it" column. $44 mil will get you minimalist opulence.