Ep. 1525 Gotta Halle Berry Hangover. There is a front runner for the next Batman and we're not buying it. Plus staying up late to catch #HalleBerry on the Late Late Show. And we share the feels over the Big Bang Theory finale last night, *sniff*
Ep. 1524. And Now Ladies and Gentlemen, Halle Berry! American Idol is picked up for a 3rd season, but the judges aren't yet. Plus Lisa Kudrow talks watching herself on Friends reruns, and once again, #HalleBerry is making news. And we're celebrating a download milestone thanks to you.
Ep. 1523 It's Gonna Be a City or a Wind. Second to the last G-O-T and last night was epic, no spoilers. But a certain NFL QB showed up in a cameo. Plus, mother's day with Momager, and how many kids can she piss off? And no name yet for the Kimye spawn. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1522 Look at that, happy accident. Happy Mom's day, is that all? Speaking of kids, Day 59 of our National Nightmare and Lori's kids are in the clear, for now. Plus the rest of the Kardashians are now portrayed at Madame Tussaud's. And #HalleBerry was on the Tonight Show.
Ep. 1521 When A Prince Is Not A Prince. It's National Lost Sock Memorial Day...it's all the man's fault! The Royal Baby has a name, it's Archie. Listen to discover how Mark Hamill is taking credit for the baby's name. BTW, the baby isn't a Prince, yet. Plus one of the BBC's famous news presenters is sacked for a racist tweet aimed at the Royal couple. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1520. Better To Be A C-Lister Than a D-Bag. Day 58 of our National Nightmare and confidence is exuding from the Lori Loughlin camp that she won't go to jail...yeah. Plus Khloe snubbed from the Met Gala because she's too "C-list?" And Billy Bush is back, with advice from his famous first cousin. And #HalleBerry, who wasn't at the Met Gala.
Ep. 1519 Agent Penis. A woman was arrested for trying to meet with a recruiter at the CIA. ET caught up with Blake Shelton about Ellen's engagement clock. Plus the most "couldn't care less" moment from last night's Met Gala. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1518 It's Not Like He's Calling Halle Berry. Sad Emojis for the Sacramento Kings. Jennifer "effin'" Lawrence made a random appearance last night on KUWTK. Speaking of the Big Butted Three, guess who's making a bunch of dough on Insta? Plus, day 56 in our national nightmare, with advice from Tommy Chong. And Baby Royal has been born today.
Ep. 1517. Hollywood Is Pregnant. What we love about Coffee and Booze isn't the taste. Congrats are in order to a couple of celebs who are showing off their baby bumps. Plus Pete Davison is moving on, in a much older woman sort of way. Plus #HalleBerry tats
Ep. 1516 Don't Move John Wayne! TMZ is saying the new host of "The Talk" will be...And the Big Bang Theory finale week continues here on Los Angeles, bring your tissue. Plus a rabbit hole has been opened on Guy's Grocery Games. #HalleBerry
Ep. 1515 I Might Have a Bigger Pile Than You. Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, and Blake Shelton, Oh My. Plus how much does your favorite actor make, and how little, by comparison, does your favorite actress make? Plus school lunches and sushi, and apologies to #HalleBerry
Ep. 1514. They Probably Won't Get to Swap. A revisit of our National Nightmare Day 49! Plus some amazing facts that sound like they are fake, but are actually true. And Pete Davidson drowns his relationship sorrows in a bag full of McDoubles. #HalleBerry
Ep. 1513. I Don't Think That's What That Means. Stupid criminals strike again! Plus Waco's power couple host another pretty big couple over the weekend. And FINALLY! A #HalleBerry story (a real one too!) comes to The WCN! Mic drop!
Ep. 1512 He said, With A Furrowed Brow. Random facts about Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Chameleons. Plus the latest about Bond 25 and its lack of title or script. And there's apparently ramifications from this year's Coachella festival, and we're not just talking Kanye's grass. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1511 They Were All Gussied Up! Martha Stewart reportedly has no idea who Chip and Jo are. Kim Kardashian somehow deleted all her followers on Insta and now she has to remember who she was following, the world may come to a grinding halt. Simpson's producers say Gwyneth Paltrow will not like the season finale. We dish on the details. And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1510 Ellen Gets All The Good Guests! Ralph Macchio describes another Karate Kid pitch he's received over the years. People magazine has named it's most Beautiful cover for 2019, drum roll please. And Goop hangs with the oddest of pals. #halleberry
Ep. 1509. It's a Very Cool Word! Wherefore are we talking like Bill?Today is "Talk Like Shakespeare Day" and we butcher the King's English second to none in this episode. Tara Reid has dropped her $100 Million lawsuit against Sharknado. Plus The Happiest Place on Eart plays host to Tom Brady and his brood. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1508 That Story Was Boring. Brother Kanye West hosts a gospel kind of Sunday the the Coachella Music Festival yesterday for Easter, and man did he make some change $$$. The surviving main cast members of "Saved By The Bell" got together and fought over the check at dinner this weekend and Morgan is inspired by his 6-pack. Plus top 10 worst jobs in America and #HalleBerry
Ep. 1507 Mommy Why Are You Naked on Your Phone? We rundown Kourtney's 40th Birthday Bash / Instagram session, plus why do you suppose they call them "deviled" eggs? And Welcome back All In The Family and The Jeffersons for one night only! And #HalleBerry
Ep. 1506 A Little Bit of Laundry. Day 37 of our National Nightmare and Lori Loughlin having a little pleader's remorse todya, and the daughter is a person of interest as well. Plus Happy 4-0 Kourtney Kardashian, and Netflix ramps up their campaign for Emmys, including 13 cancelled shows. Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1505. Along Came a Spider with a Big Ol' Butt! Lori Loughlin may be experiencing a little buyer's remorse over that Not Guilty plea earlier this week. Plus MTV is hosting Realitycon, coming soon. And is a celebrity feud ever really over? Plus #HalleBerry
Ep. 1504 That's A Pretty Good Deduction. Aunt Becky pleads Not Guilty, no surprise, they must have a crack attorney, can you say 40 years? Great CPA pick up lines. Plus Khloe Kardashian unintentionally sets her Insta to private. And Kim wants to go to Law School...we'll leave that with a hearty #HalleBerry
Ep. 1503 Of Green Jackets and Beautiful People. Which is cleaner? Your man's beard or your dog? Plus That Tiger Woods musta had a great weekend, in addition to winning the Masters. And where were all the beautiful people over the weekend? And did we forget to mention #HalleBerry?
Ep. 1502 She's Paddling On Up That River. Day 31 of our National Nightmare, and someone's getting ready to wear orange. Plus big news in the camps of Lindsay and Ben. Plus Let's get Mikey to try it, he hates everything, and #HalleBerry.
The Who Cares News returns Friday with new shows. We invite you to listen to one of our new shows at Mouthful Media, called Poop and Coffee. It's co-hosted by Kona and Pebbles, and they talk about everything from work to husbands to poop and coffee. Be careful the language and subject matter are explicit, NSFW. We hope you enjoy it, and subscribe at Poop and Coffee.